What Should You Do to Become a Vendor Online?

The Green Grass Mall is a superb platform for you to become a vendor. If you have been thinking of how to become an online vendor to showcase your products and get your customers virtually, this is for you!
Become a Vendor Today

    Getting started is fast with only 4 easy steps...

    Create your seller account today; it only takes 5 minutes, with no wait time or lengthy approval process. Get started today at My account – Green Grass Mall

    img become 01
    img become 02

    2.Product Listing

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    3.Order & Shipping

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    4.Receive Payment

    Steps to Becoming a Vendor

    1. Go to greengrassmall.com.
    2. Click the Login or Register at the top left page.
    3. Click the Register tab.
    4. Select the “I am a vendor” check box.
    5. Enter your personal and store info.
    6. Click “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.”
    7. Email Verification
    8. Follow the setup wizard to complete your profile.
    9. Set up store info.
    10. Finalize and go to the vendor dashboard.
    11. Start listing and selling your products.

    With these ten easy steps, you can become a vendor and start cashing and reaping the benefits of selling online, no matter your location or affairs.

    At Green Grass Mall, you cannot be let down. We allow our sellers to be creative about their online store without fearing reprimand. More so, you get premium benefits with us as a vendor.

    Benefits of Green Grass Online Platform

    Report Center

    Better insight of business data from various aspects, enchance operation and increase sales.

    Content Management

    Get feedback from customer directly and reply questions on the fly.

    Access Anywhere

    Consistent user experence no matter where the entry point is, e.g. mobile, laptop, tablet

    Order Management

    Rich and convenient user inter-face of order, shipnotice and invoice

    Become a Vendor!

    You can take home more from your online sales. So, what are you waiting for? Let the Green Grass Mall help you to position your business and products to the outside world. Then, you can become a vendor and continue your career. Hence, sign up today; and make your impact.

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